(10) An important Closing Point on Contractor Marketing

(10) An important Closing Point on Contractor Marketing

Corey Halstead

“There is no marketing silver bullet. It’s about finding the right partner, building a relationship with trust, and working together together to reach the goals .”

Digital marketing is not as “concrete” as designing and building living spaces. Because marketing is a combination of art, data, science, and human emotion, there are a lot of gray areas—that’s the deal.

There’s no Silver Bullet when it comes to Contractor Marketing.

The important thing to remember is that there is no marketing silver bullet. If there’s one thing we’ve learned over the years across 100s of case studies, it’s that any company that bounces around and around to different marketing partners because it “wasn’t working” after giving it too short a time to really judge, never hits marketing scale. It results in a cycle of taking two steps forward and four jumps back, all along the way, losing ground on competition and burning precious budget. Do your research upfront in choosing a marketing partner—a company you can truly trust and build a relationship with—and work closely with them to perfect your system. The same approach applies to those building out an in-house team. With a solid strategy designed for your industry, a marketing system that’s being constantly measured, monitored, and connected to bottom-line value, and a partner you can trust in place, your future is sure to be successful.

Interested in discussing your strategy or putting this one into action? We’d love to chat. Visit the link below to shoot us a text, fill out a form, or schedule a call. Thanks so much for reading.

The Definitive Contractor Marketing Strategy Guide.


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