7 Must Ask Items in Your In-Person Meeting

These 7 questions are absolutely a must get to in this meeting to make sure your home remodel or landscaping proposal is a winner.

You've successfully made it through to this second full chat with your prospect about their home improvement plans - whether it's about landscaping, general contracting, a remodel, or anything in between. If you've asked the right questions to help you understand your prospect's real needs (a must read before you continue further in this post: 10 Questions to Ask Your Prospect on The First Call) then you know that this next chat, which is most likely in-person, is worth the trip. You've qualified them in terms of budget and service and you know when they'd like it all completed. The second chat isn't your proposal conversation because you haven't yet filled in all of the details in between. So here are the questions you absolutely must get to in this meeting to make sure your proposal is a winner.

Lets first confirm the purpose of this chat. It's not to submit a proposal at this time. It's not to just measure things out. It's about getting everything you need to create AND WIN the bid. Related: Why you're losing to lower priced bids.

1. Who will be using the space - including the usuals and the occasionals?

In first glance, it might be just the family. However, there might be visitors this family gets every weekend. Entertaining that occurs at a frequency and of size you wouldn't have guessed.

2. What are the youngest and oldest ages?

Two year olds and 75 year olds need special accommodations. If your proposal later addresses these simple (or complex) accommodations you have thought of, you will get bonus points that lead you closer to a win.

3. Are there pets that need to be kept happy there?

Pets are part of the family. A space designed and built with consideration to pets will definitely make your client happier. It's a no-brainer.

4. How long is this space expected to last?

Is this a 5 year lifespan work or 100 years - the answer here will tell you the quality of materials you will need to consider.

5. What are others in the home hoping to get out of this?

The remaining people at home will 90% of the time influence the decision or delay in getting you a response after you submit your bid. Don't wait to get their input.

6. Is this replacing something?

Is the homeowner looking to take less vacations as a result of this project? This answer can help make sure you cover all those design details and explain the cost better. For example, "this will cost $x more than you wanted to spend, however you're also eliminating X." 

Related: Four Ways To Decrease the Time Between Your Bid and YES

7. How involved do you want to be throughout the process?

If a lot, you want to make sure you include these man hours in your proposal. If none at all, it's a good way to reduce hours. This also helps provide you insight into the working relationship you can expect.


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